Everyone without proper training suffer lots of trouble in Database Connectivity through various programming languages.
Believe me.. It is not at all difficult once you understand the basics!
- So.. Back to Basics.
- Databases :There are different databases where we will keep data. Microsoft Access, MySql, Oracle 10g are easily available databases to practice.
- Programming languages:There are different programming languages which we use as per our use to retrieve data. (JAVA,C,C++,Perl,Python....)
- Connectors(Drivers): There are connectors between Databases and Programming languages which connects both of them. This "connector" is a seperate set of software instructions which is like a gateway to database. Through these connectors we can manipulate. retrieve data from the database. If you don't have you have to install these manually.
- These are perticular syntax to connect with the database and it is unique to every programing language. But still there are some commons.
- First we must create a database with a name and proper destination. We must know all the credentials (user name, password etc..) of the database created.
- We must write the code to connect to database in our program.
- Verify the connection.
- Once verified store the connection in some variable which can hold the connection.(Datatype of that variable depends upon language)
- Querry the database using that connection.(Sql is the common query language to database).
- Close the connection.
Some of the sites I refer for you to learn database connectivity quickly are....
- For Java-MS Access quick connectivity: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/blog/martyr2/index.php?showentry=1114
- For Java-MySql quick connectivity with Netbeans IDE: http://www.linglom.com/category/tutorials/netbeans/
- For Perl Database Connectivity with Access: http://bytes.com/topic/perl/answers/520248-connection-ms-access
- http://databases.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=databases&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwdvl.internet.com%2FAuthoring%2FLanguages%2FPerl%2FPerlfortheWeb%2Findex6.html
- For Perl-MySql connectivity: http://www.sqlstrings.com/mysql-perl-conection.htm