Monday, September 28, 2009

Easy Database Connectivity!!

Everyone without proper training suffer lots of trouble in Database Connectivity through various programming languages.
Believe me.. It is not at all difficult once you understand the basics!

  • So.. Back to Basics.

  1. Databases :There are different databases where we will keep data. Microsoft Access, MySql, Oracle 10g are easily available databases to practice.
  2. Programming languages:There are different programming languages which we use as per our use to retrieve data. (JAVA,C,C++,Perl,Python....)
  3. Connectors(Drivers): There are connectors between Databases and Programming languages which connects both of them. This "connector" is a seperate set of software instructions which is like a gateway to database. Through these connectors we can manipulate. retrieve data from the database. If you don't have you have to install these manually.
  • These are perticular syntax to connect with the database and it is unique to every programing language. But still there are some commons.
  1. First we must create a database with a name and proper destination. We must know all the credentials (user name, password etc..) of the database created.
Then using appropriate syntax of perticular language..
  1. We must write the code to connect to database in our program.
  2. Verify the connection.
  3. Once verified store the connection in some variable which can hold the connection.(Datatype of that variable depends upon language)
  4. Querry the database using that connection.(Sql is the common query language to database).
  5. Close the connection.
That's it!! This is basic method for many leading programming languages.

Some of the sites I refer for you to learn database connectivity quickly are....

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